The travelling distance between Mumbai and Goa is roughly 580 km if you travel by road. There are regular buses operated by private fleets that ply daily on this route.
However if you wish to hire a private car, cab or taxi alongwith driver for your travel from Mumbai to Goa, that also is possible. For hiring a taxi (cab) you will need to approach travel agents to check the rates. Different agents will tell different rates.
Things to check while hiring a Mumbai to Goa taxi for your journey.
1. What is the cost per km. being quoted for the upward journey and the downward journey.
2. Does the taxi (car/cab) have an inter-state permit? (Since Goa and Maharashtra are separate states)
3. Is the price inclusive of toll charges and covers all costs with no hidden charges.
3. What are the driver's per day charges during the period of stay? Does the fare of taxi include those charges?
4. Which vehicle/car will be used for the journey. Is it AC/Non-AC? What is the seating capacity?
Checking the car rental fare with different tours and travels agents, will help you to find a reliable agent who is quoting a reasonable price for your Mumbai to Goa taxi journey.